Selasa, 20 September 2016

Download Shaman King Manga: Volume 17 English Version

Yoh's father, Mikihisa Asakura, meets Ren's team and decides to train them. When Ren refuses the offer, he fights Mikihisa; despite improving his Oversoul, he is unable to defeat Mikihisa. While they recover from the fight, two Patch Officials, Nichrom and Magna, direct Hao's followers to attack Ren and Mikihisa's teams, forcing Mikihisa to leave to defend his teammates, a pair of children named Redseb and Seyram Munzer. When the children are confronted by the Hanagumi, they are defended by Anna, Jun, and Tamao. Meanwhile, Ren's team fights Peyote, Turbine, and Zang-Ching, but Ren is mortally wounded before Yoh arrives to save them.

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