Selasa, 27 September 2016

Download Death Note Manga: Volume 12 English Version

"Two" refers to the deaths of Mello and Takada. In addition it refers to the fact that Light and Mikami wrote down Takada's name at almost the same time, which is something that the reader does not discover until later. "Face to Face" refers to the meeting between Light and Near Ohba wanted to use "Mask," but he did not want to reveal the fact that Near was wearing a mask. At that point Ohba was wondering if readers were trying to guess the plots of the upcoming chapters based on the names of the upcoming chapters in the previews in Weekly Shonen Jump. In "Inducement," the plans of both sides are trying to induce Mikami into appearing, and they are trying to induce one another to fall for each other's plan. The name "Patience" refers to Light holding in his laughter and waiting until 35 seconds have passed after the writing down of the names of the Japanese task force and SPK members before declaring victory. In addition Matsuda and other participants are asked not to move while the 40 seconds are passing. In the chapter "Declaration," Light declares victory and Near declares that Light is Kira. Ohba said that Near's statement "I owe this to Mello" could also be a declaration. "Answer" refers to Near's explanation about how he discovered Light's true plan and Light's admission that he is Kira. Ohba said that he understood that Near's rationale is "very long" and that it is likely that many readers struggled to comprehend it. Ohba added that he believed that "Answer" was an appropriate title since Light, who previously told himself that he would never admit to being Kira, admits to being Kira with, in Ohba's words, a ""Yeah, I'm Kira. Got a problem with it?" attitude. "Impossible" refers to the fact that it is not possible for Light to change the attitudes and feelings of Near and the other people with his speech; Ohba said that Light is trying to buy time with a plan that he knows will not succeed. "Intent to Kill" refers to Light trying to kill Near, Matsuda trying to kill Light, and Light pleading for someone to kill Near. Regarding "Curtain," Ohba explained that he was trying to represent a curtain with the final two pages being entirely colored black. Ohba added that the title "Nothingness" would reveal too much, and that he already used the word "Black" for Chapter 43. While Ohba also considered the word "Black Curtain," in Japanese the word refers to a person behind the scenes orchestrating the events, and Ohba felt it would not be good to inadvertently make readers believe that a new character was appearing. In the end Ohba chose "Curtain" for the title of the second to last chapter.

The final chapter was named "Finis," In regard to the chapter's name, Ohba said "no explanation needed: the end. The chapter number, 108, refers to the earthly desires in Buddhism. When creating the plot of the final chapter, Ohba first thought of the idea of Kira worshipers surrounding Kira's grave; Ohba reasoned that a group of Kira worshipers would exist even if Kira died. Ohba believed that having Light's death be definitively known to the world would "cause problems, and he also recalls discussing how "distasteful" it would be for the readers to see the Yagami family grave. As Ohba and his editor decided on how to end the series in late 2005, Ohba and his editor developed the concept of the line of Kira worshipers. Ohba said that he made Aizawa the chief of the NPA because he did not want to create a new character for the role, and he decided that Aizawa would be the best choice among the surviving task force members. Ohba added that Aizawa was the best choice since he had connections to the NPA and Near and that Aizawa becoming the chief would have been "unimaginable" earlier in Death Note. Ohba explained that Mogi would have been too biased to Near. In regard to Matsuda's theories, Ohba said that he did not decide whether they are right or wrong; he asked readers to decide for themselves whether Matsuda's theories were correct. The only definitive statement Ohba made about the theories is that Light ordered Mikami to not take the Death Note out until the end. Ohba explained that Yamamoto, a character who Matsuda teases, was added at the thumbnail stage and has no significance; Ohba added him to show Matsuda "bossing someone around." (While there may not be significance in his use, Yamamoto was first seen in volume 1 chapter 2 as Light's best friend. He was seen again in volume 2, when Light suggests he send him a New Years card, but he didn't appear until this chapter). Regarding the Kira worshipers, Ohba said that he would have been fine having Light simply die "in his pathetic state," but Ohba decided to "redeem" Light somewhat by illustrating that, despite the fact that Light is dead, he becomes a god for a group of people. Ohba explained that in Death Note Light wants to become a living god and therefore he would not be happy with dying; he added "So there's a little irony in there too." Ohba explained that the fact that the scene goes back and forth with the part shows how he loved Light as a character, even though L was Ohba's favorite.

Obata recalled hearing from the editor that a scene in the final chapter will feature Kira worshipers surrounding Light's grave. Obata originally believed that the concept was "a little lacking," but when he saw the thumbnails he believed they looked good, and he felt excited when he drew the art for the chapter. Obata said that he wanted to "set the mood" for the scene, so he had the Kira worshipers wear hoods. Light's name could have some reference here, as they are worshipping god at night under the light of the moon. Obata selected the apple to use as the object for the cover page of "Finis," as the apple was used as an important symbol in Death Note and Obata believed that featuring the apple was "the only way to go. The final set of chapter covers feature close-ups of objects, and so the cover page of "Finis" focused on the apple, with the last rule of Death Note being 'Once dead, they can never come back to life.'

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